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2015年9月21日 星期一

Best University Admissions Promo Videos Ever!

Before you enter your university, did you check out the promotional videos about your uni? The answer has to be YES! Since all of us want to know more about our unis by watching the official promotion video.

As some first-class universities in the whole world, these universities' videos are commented as the best promotion videos.

 (I re-post this post from another post called "Best 5 University Promo Videos"
http://www.frederickding.com/posts/2010/11/best-5-university-promo-videos-21984/ )

1. Yale University - Most Awesome: “That’s Why I Chose Yale“

The opening might be boring and conventional, but watch past the first minute — a pleasant surprise awaits. Beautiful cinematography, great music. Yale’s video is a true piece of art, all the more so because it was produced by undergraduates at the university.


 2.  University of Pennsylvania - Most Inspiring: True Learning

The University of Pennsylvania’s video is filled with a sense of purpose, of motivation and of inspiration. 

3. Harvard University - Most Elegant: “Places like Harvard“

This is one of the most beautiful promotional videos I’ve ever watched. Harvard did a splendid job of presenting all the awe-inspiring statistics about the school in a way that is both simplistic and informative. On YouTube, Harvard has combined all its videos into one long video, but the specific segment I am referring to starts at 13:50.


4. Columbia University - Most Eloquent: “Columbia, An Introduction“

Although Columbia’s video is heavily dominated by interviews and speaking, in stark contrast to the dynamic singing of Yale’s student-produced video, and even though it doesn’t carry the same wow factor of Harvard’s video, the words spoken in this video are the most moving. Columbia’s video seems very genuine. Moreover, in the context of Columbia’s status as a world-class Ivy League university, its promo video, juxtaposed with the videos of Harvard and Yale, is unpretentious.

5. Stanford University - Most Relaxed: “Powered by People"

It’s probably a testament to the West Coast lifestyle. Stanford’s video made university seem fun and playful, rather than studious.

3 則留言:

  1. Why there is no comment here? Seems that you just repost these videos from other blogs, but you did a good job since I only know some of them and some of them really make me feel excited about these best of best universities.

    I love the video from Yale most. The whole video is really creative and attractive. Hope my university will have a good promo video like them as well.

    1. The reason why I wanna put these videos in my blogs is that these video are really hard to be collected together.

      Thank you for your comment again!

    2. no problem! thank you for inviting me to make comments on your blog! good posts.
